一、本刊要求作者有严谨的学风和朴实的文风,提倡互相尊重和自由讨论。凡采用他人学说,必须加注说明。 二、不要超过10000字为宜,精粹的短篇,尤为欢迎。 三、请作者将稿件(用WORD格式)发送到下面给出的征文信箱中。 四、凡来稿请作者自留底稿,恕不退稿。 五、为规范排版,请作者在上传修改稿时严格按以下要求: 1.论文要求有题名、摘要、关键词、作者姓名、作者工作单位(名称,省市邮编)等内容一份。 2.基金项目和作者简介按下列格式: 基金项目:项目名称(编号) 作者简介:姓名(出生年-),性别,民族(汉族可省略),籍贯,职称,学位,研究方向。 3.文章一般有引言部分和正文部分,正文部分用阿拉伯数字分级编号法,一般用两级。插图下方应注明图序和图名。表格应采用三线表,表格上方应注明表序和表名。 4.参考文献列出的一般应限于作者直接阅读过的、最主要的、发表在正式出版物上的文献。其他相关注释可用脚注在当页标注。参考文献的著录应执行国家标准GB7714-87的规定,采用顺序编码制。


来源:考试与评价 【在线投稿】 栏目:综合新闻 时间:2020-08-13
摘要:· 第 1811 篇原创文章 · 2019年A-Level中文考试的考试日程已经出炉!中文考试分为三个部分,也就是三个paper,即: reading and writing、essay、text 。考试时间分别是: 10 月 16 日、 10 月 22 日、





2019年A-Level中文考试的考试日程已经出炉!中文考试分为三个部分,也就是三个paper,即:reading and writing、essay、text。考试时间分别是:1016日、1022日、111日

The exam schedule for the A-Level Chinese exam in 2019 has come out! The Chinese exam is divided into three parts: reading and writing, essay and text. The exam time is October 16, October 22 and November 1, respectively.

Paper2 Reading and writing


It takes 1 hour and 45 minutes, with a score of 70. There are two short essays in this section that add up to less than 750 words. Based on the content and quantity of reading articles, it is easy to finish, and 105-minute examination time is \"more than enough\". However, if you want to get a full score, it is even more difficult. Why?


In this part of reading, students' abilities of information selection, understanding, induction, summary, generalization and analysis are examined. Simply there are usually several types of questions:







Atotal score of reading part is 50 points, which include the language quality score (10 points)The total score of small essay is 20, and the language quality score (5points). It is problems are easy but trivial. Students need to read the original text carefully, and then answer the questions in sub-points after careful deliberation.


Another important point is that the CIE Chinese test is different from the domestic Chinese test - language score! This requires orderly, accurate and even perfect answers.

Paper3 Essay


It is a part of paper writing. The number of words required is between 250 and 400 words. Require clear logic, natural cohesion between paragraphs, clear point of view, full argument! The following are official requirements:

回答这部分时,考生可以借鉴雅思写作Agree or disagree的论证结构,做到有开头段、结尾段,主题段落之间注意衔接,段落内部注意总分论证,观点明确,证据充分。以下是2019年考纲:

When answering this part, candidates can learn from the argumentation structure of IELTS writing Agree or Disagree, so as to have the opening and ending paragraphs, pay attention to the cohesion between thematic paragraphs, the total points of argumentation within the paragraph, have clear views and sufficient evidence. The following is the outline of the 2019 exam.


When writing, don't rush to write. This is why many students feel easy to do well and have nothing to do in the exam, but they have no ideas when they get the paper. We must sort out the logical order between the content points. If the content points are too scattered to get clues, we should try to write similar content points together as \"merging the same items\".

文章来源:《考试与评价》 网址: http://www.ksypjzz.cn/zonghexinwen/2020/0813/604.html


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