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来源:考试与评价 【在线投稿】 栏目:综合新闻 时间:2020-11-12
摘要:1. Some people think that parents should plan their children's leisure time carefully. Other people believe? that children should decide for themselves how to spend their free time, Which idea do you agree with? Give reasons for your choice

1. Some people think that parents should plan their children's leisure time carefully. Other people believe? that children should decide for themselves how to spend their free time, Which idea do you agree with? Give reasons for your choice.

2. People should be realistic rather than romantic in order to live a better life. Do you agree or disagree? with the statement. Use specific reasons to support your answer.

3. People should never be satisfied with what they have, they should always want something new or? something different Do you agree or disagree with the statement. Give reasons for your choice.

4. Some people think that the family is the most important influence on young adults. Other people think? that friends are the most important influence on young adults. Which view do you agree with? Use examples to) support your position.

5. Some students participate in school activities such as clubs and sports. Other students do not take part in?? such activities because they spend more time on their studies. Tell why you think the two groups of? students spend their time differently? Which type of student do you prefer to be? Explain why.

6. Traveling is more important than reading books in order to understand the people and the world. Do you agree or disagree with the statement Use specific reasons to support your answer.

7. Some people like different friends. Others like similar friends. Compare the advantages of these two? kinds of friends. Which kind of friend do you prefer. Explain why?

8. After they complete their university studies, some students live in their hometowns, others live in? different towns or cities. Which do you think is better ... living in your hometown or living in different towns or cities. Give specific reasons for your answer.

9. Some people believe that newspaper are the best source of news. Others think that the news is presented? better on radio or television. Which of these sources of news do you prefer? Use specific examples to? support your choice.

10. Some people learn best when a classroom lesson is presented in an entertaining , enjoyable way. Other? people learn best when a lesson is presented in a serious, formal way. Which of these two ways of? learning do you prefer? Give reasons to support your answer.

11. Some people say that the best preparation for life is learning to be cooperative. Others take the opposite? view and say that learning to be competitive is the best preparation. Tell which one you agree with and explain why.

12. Some people pay money for the things they want or need. Other people trade products or goods for? what they need. Compare the advantages of these two ways of obtaining things. Which way do you? prefer? Explain why.

13. Some people believe that growing up in a large family, with several sisters and brothers, offers? more advantages than disadvantages. Other people think that being the only child is more? advantageous. Write a short essay in which you discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each position. Explain which position you support.

14. Some people think studying in a university is worthwhile only because you can get a degree. Do you? agree or disagree with the statement? Give specific reasons to support your answer.

15. Inventions such as eyeglasses and the sewing machine have had an important effect on our lives.? Choose another invention that you think is important. Give specific reasons for your choice.

16. Someone think that playing a game is fun only when you win. Do you agree or disagree with the? statement. Use specific reasons to support your answer.

17. A research center is going to be established in a university. There is an argument whether to establish an agricultural center or a business one. Which do your think is better. Use specific reasons to support your answer.

18. \"Fiction (such as short stories or novels) can teach us more about life than textbooks can\". Do you agree or disagree with the statement? Use specific examples to support your answer.

19. Living in big cities has more advantages dm living in small towns or countryside. Do you agree or disagree with the statement. Use specific reasons to support your answer.

20. Some university students want to live in a room alone. Others prefer having roommates. Which do you like better living alone or living with roommates? Give specific examples to support your answer.

21. Some people like to travel alone, other like to travel together with several friends. Which do you prefer, Why?

22. Which is more important for you in your life? Knowledge from books you read, or personal experiences in reality. Please use details to explain your answer.

23. Newspapers contain many information topics such as sports, current event, business and entertainment. Which topic do you like to read most often. Give reasons to explain your answer.

24. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: People should always show their strong emotions (such as excitement, anger, or joy). Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.

文章来源:《考试与评价》 网址: http://www.ksypjzz.cn/zonghexinwen/2020/1112/1018.html


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